Contemporary Retirement

Retirement is changing. The type of retirement that their parents enjoyed is no longer enough for the baby boomer generation. Today’s retirees are younger, richer, fitter, healthier and better educated than previous generations of retirees. They also have much higher expectations. The aim of this blog is to help you get the vital, healthy, prosperous, productive and fulfilling retirement that you really want (and deserve).

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 7

One daily habit that will leave you feeling less frazzled, exhausted and resentful at the end of the holiday is Habit 7:


Don't try to do everything yourself - even if you KNOW you can do it better than everyone else. Persuade, bribe, threaten and cajole everyone who is sharing the holiday with you into doing their bit too!

If all the family traditionally descends on you for Christmas lunch, this year, get them to bring a dish with them - a starter course, a desert, a contribution to the main course - whatever their speciality is. Get everyone involved - put the teens on duty preparing sandwiches and making sure drinks are topped up. Even littlies can take guests' coats upon their arrival or collect empty plates and glasses and bring them to the kitchen.

Put your son-in-law or nephew in charge of the annual post-Christmas-lunch game of charades and when anyone half-heartedly offers to take charge of washing the dishes, instead of insisting that they relax with everyone else and enjoy the fun, thank them heartily and point them in the direction of the kitchen...

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