Contemporary Retirement

Retirement is changing. The type of retirement that their parents enjoyed is no longer enough for the baby boomer generation. Today’s retirees are younger, richer, fitter, healthier and better educated than previous generations of retirees. They also have much higher expectations. The aim of this blog is to help you get the vital, healthy, prosperous, productive and fulfilling retirement that you really want (and deserve).

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Don't mention the 'D' word

I must thank fellow coach Judith Morgan for introducing me, via her blog, to The people at describe themselves as follows:

We make and screen short films that provoke you to think about what it is that makes you feel truly alive.

A new 'film of the week' up every Monday, so all you really need is around 5 minutes each week.

The films star a catalogue of extraordinary people who are following their path in some way. But the films are more about you & me than they are about them.

They ask questions of you. Questions we don't set out to answer, as often they are the ones that only you should answer for yourself.

monday9am ... because Monday at 9 is the time at which most of us question what it is that we're doing, and then proceed to completely forget (or is it ignore) the question.

The film of the week for this week is 'don't mention the 'D' word' and it features Ph.D. Gerontlogist, Dr Barbara Spring talking about dying (the 'D' word) or, more accurately, talking about the way that we avoid talking about dying, often at all costs. Watch the film here:

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