Contemporary Retirement

Retirement is changing. The type of retirement that their parents enjoyed is no longer enough for the baby boomer generation. Today’s retirees are younger, richer, fitter, healthier and better educated than previous generations of retirees. They also have much higher expectations. The aim of this blog is to help you get the vital, healthy, prosperous, productive and fulfilling retirement that you really want (and deserve).

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Squidoo 'Lens of the Day'

Squidoo is an on-line place where thousands of enthusiasts write about their chosen subject. There's even a Contemporary Retirement lens (that's a site to you) at

Every day a lens is chosen by the Squidoo staff to become their 'Lens of the Day'. Today, it's the turn of Vanessa Blott's 'Glo to Sleep' lens, which I thought you might find interesting, especially if you're feeling a little sleep-deprived. 'The Glo to Sleep' is a device which is designed to stop you lying awake, thinking or worrying, when you go to bed. Apparently, all that thinking and worrying generates beta waves in your brain, which are too fast to be conducive to sleep. In order to nod off, you need to slow your brain activity to the alpha wave state - a state of relaxation which is the bridge between wakefulness and sleep.

The 'Glo to Sleep' device was invented by Vanessa's husband, Tim, who had problems shutting off his mind when it was time for bed. When he was unable to find anything to help him, he invented his own solution. Read more about it at:

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