Retirement is changing. The type of retirement that their parents enjoyed is no longer enough for the baby boomer generation. Today’s retirees are younger, richer, fitter, healthier and better educated than previous generations of retirees. They also have much higher expectations. The aim of this blog is to help you get the vital, healthy, prosperous, productive and fulfilling retirement that you really want (and deserve).
Karen Knowler is
The Raw Food Coach, author, presenter, MD of The Fresh Network (The UK's raw and living foods organisation), founder of The Fresh Festival and creator of Get Fresh! magazine. I just spotted an entry about Maca - a plant related to the radish, on
Karen's 'Living in the Raw' blog which you may find interesting. Apparently, Maca is nature's alternative to Viagra and has beneficial properties for both men and women. You can read the full posting here: